Sunday, November 27, 2011

About the Vintage Marketplace

The Vintage Marketplace is a resource for home, office, or shop.

On the cutting edge of Vintage, Art, Design, & Antiques; this group of exhibitors are inspiring the next generation of enthusiasts
with their unique style, energy, and determination to share what they love.

The Vintage Marketplace is a new feature of the long running Tailgate-Music Valley Antiques Show, a nationally established event with a reputation as one of America's best shows. The Vintage Marketplace will help move Tailgate-Music Valley into their new home, the Hendersonville Expo Center with an exciting inaugural event February 2-4, 2012.

Watch our blog as our event grows, click on the dealer profile link to learn about the passion our exhbitors bring to their businesses and our show. Make plans to join us today!


  1. Hello Jon! Gald to see you have the blog up and runing!

  2. Very exciting!!!!I'm your newest follower. Theresa (Tot) sent me:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  3. Looking forward to reading more.
    Theresa at Time Worn Interiors sent me over. :)

  4. Glad to have found your blog by way of Theresa. I'm a dealer at one of the malls in Goodlettsville and very glad to see the shows coming to Hendersonville.

  5. Great blog so far. Lots of great topics, folks and goodies. Glad to be following now. Keep up the great work!

  6. Is it still possible to become a vendor in this show?

  7. Hmmmm, is 9 hours too far to drive to attend? We'll see...

  8. Hi Jon! Thanks for contacting me about the upcoming show. I put the information about it on my blog hoping to spread the word. Please let me know if there are spaces still available for vendors. See you there! Jennifer

  9. Hi Jon, just heard about this show. Sounds exciting. Have to make it there. I live in Clarksville, TN , so not too far away. I paint furniture and blog so would love to meet some of the folks I know only through blogland. Kathy, Petticoat Junktion, I am following your site now. thanks

  10. hi jon, lisa at urban farmhouse told me to contact you directly..but i dont see an email address...???
    where can i talk to you?

  11. How many vendors will be at this show and will there by any primitive antiques?
