Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I had a nice conversation with Theresa this afternoon. Although I’ve been following her blog, Time Worn Interiors we’ve never actually met face-to-face. I got the impression from her blog that was going to be clever, engaging and have a real sense of humor. I was right. You just have to look at the photo her Christmas tree to see what I mean. Her husband, Craig, put the tree together from a few mystery parts, but the funny thing is, she does her own welding when necessary. She says Craig married her because she owned a better welder then he did.
I asked her about the impact her blog has had on her business. “Huge, absolutely huge”, was her response. She loves that customers can see her merchandise on her blog. “I can let them know what shows I’ll be doing. Shoppers come to the shows for the merchandise they’ve seen on my blog. It’s a great form of advertising”. Make sure you look for her at The Vintage Marketplace this February.


  1. I'm really digging that metal Christmas tree. I'm fixin' to head over to her blog to check it out!

  2. I fell in love with Theresa Smith's work when I saw her at the Brimfield show. She's amazing!
    bliss farm antiques
